they are as normal as the majority (dope addicts, alcoholics and paranoiacs say the same thing)." "The homosexual wants the right to be considered harmless when in reality he is a danger-a source of contagion and perversion." "The homosexual wants the right to mingle freely in society without causing aversion and repugnance and without discrimination. But the aversion which a normal person feels for a homosexual is a natural instinct and he has a right to be repelled; to expect him to feel otherwise is to ask him to abrogate his rights in favor of the homosexual."

The second of these two chapters is entitled "What to Do About It." Here are some excerpts: "We have treated the problem of homosexuality in North America with the greatest objectivity. Assuming that there are causes, the suppression of those causes would do away with the effects. For that reason we turn our attention now to its prevention." Here follows a very simple plan: eliminate pornography, and this can be done by not allowing any woman to appear on the street, on the stage, in the movies, or in any picture with one bit more of her anatomy exposed than some austere senator or worthy president would allow his wife or daughters to expose in public. "Such immodest exhibitions cheapen women and contribute to the spread of homosexuality." (I had not thought of it before but I have seen a few chorus lines that might indeed make any man turn his head-the other way.) If the United States will take a stand against pornography half the battle will be won.

Parents must be educated and instructed: they should never kiss their children on the mouth. "a kiss on the mouth is erotic and should be used only between lovers. Between parents and children it is an affront to mod-




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esty and can lead only to sexual aberration." Children's games should be constantly controlled and supervised. Parents should always conduct themselves with utmost propriety before their children and neither one nor the other should be more lenient or indulgent nor attempt to seek greater favor or affection from the children. Parents should abstain from any expression of marital disagreement or discord for "to place the child in the position of a judge, even though no sentence is requested of him, is to send him down paths which will affect his future conduct." "If parents cannot avoid leading a dissolute life, the children must never be allowed to know it."

Boys must be treated and brought up like boys; girls like girls. Children must be given a "sane and healthy sex education by a responsible and well educated person." Sometimes the physician may be invaluable but one must be very careful that the doctor is himself "healthy." "A homosexual physician is a veritable calamity." Children must be carefully isolated from any contact with adult homosexuals.

And then, having prevented the creation of any new homosexuals the old ones must be "cured or corrected, whether or not they wish to be cured. We must force them to want to be cured."

I really do wonder if there would be any such thing as homosexuality in Utopia or would there be any sex at all? R. H. I.